meet the team

Chiropractor Raleigh NC Greg Carter


Greg Carter D.C.

Gregory Carter, DC, is a highly trained chiropractor with more than 30 years of experience. At Carter Chiropractic in Raleigh NC, he specializes in ProAdjustor 360 treatments and mechanical motion therapy.

Dr. Carter earned his Doctorate in Chiropractic at the National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Illinois, one of the most prestigious chiropractic schools in North America. After graduation, Dr. Carter worked in prestigious chiropractic clinics under the mentorship of renowned chiropractic physicians. He honed his skills, developing an extensive toolkit of cutting-edge adjustments and treatments that help his patients achieve superior outcomes.

He excels at using numerous treatment techniques, including applied kinesiology, diversified Gonstead, Cox® flexion-distraction technique, and Active Release Technique (ART).

He also utilizes the Activator® Technique, Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®), and nutrition response testing.

Dr. Carter continued his education by studying physiotherapy, acupuncture, clinical nutrition, sports medicine, anti-aging and longevity, orthopedics, and chiropractic neurology. He’s also a medical speaker, lecturing on health topics like hormones, stress, inflammation, and immunity.

Dr. Carter is a member of the Foundation for Wellness Professionals, the North Carolina Chiropractic Association, the American Chiropractic Association, and Carolina Chiropractors.

He understands that physical and mental health longevity stems from lifestyle habits and that the best medicine is no medicine. He invests in your health to avoid the cost of diseases.

In his free time, Dr. Carter enjoys hiking around Falls Lake, working out at his gym, and cycling on the greenway.

Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Carter at Carter Chiropractic by phone or online today. He accepts most insurance plans.

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Cameron Meet the Team

Patient Coordinator

Cameron Bigler

Hi I'm Cameron! I always love seeing patients heal and feel better after each visit. Excited to get you plugged in and get your healing journey started.

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Hope Meet the Team

Massage Therapist & Office Assistant

Hope Savoye

Hi I'm Hope! Health & wellness is my life! Excited to see you in the office and help you reach your optimal health.

8:00am - 2:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Carter Chiropractic

10640 Durant Rd Suite 102
Raleigh, NC 27614

(919) 866-0087